We chilled and read books and at yummy food and walked around some.
Friday night was Grand Am's racing. Saturday we watched the Nationwide Series and Sunday was NASCAR race time!
Sunday we got to our seats at 12:45. Race was for 2. At 1:30 they did intoduction and the anthums and prayer and were ready to start engines. If you looked into the sky though, you could tell it was over.
My view and when I notices the race was not starting on time:
The next announcement was fallowed by the announcer say there were some severe storms in the vacinity but they would not effect the race as of yet. No sooner than he was done, we all heard the thunder. I looked at Matt who laughed at me. I asked him to walk down underneath the bleachers with me. He said no way. Then I saw lightning and ran down. The mountains were covered with rain and it was getting windy. It was coming. Matt and his parents joined just in time for the rain to start. We stayed dry because we were under solid concrete bleachers. Thank goodness cause it poured. Matts father listened to the weather on his scanner. Severe thunderstorms with the potenial to produce strong winds, hail and the possibility of tornados were moving on through.
So im on a mountain under bleachers and we have tornado potential??? My worst nightmare would have come through if there indeed was a tornado. My goodness I was getting sick.
My view and when I notices the race was not starting on time:
So im on a mountain under bleachers and we have tornado potential??? My worst nightmare would have come through if there indeed was a tornado. My goodness I was getting sick.
After being down there for 2 hours, the race was cancelled because it was still raining. But look at the view! It was dark though fpr 4pm and still some good lightning and rumbles as we walked to our car about a mile away. 

Matt and I decided to go home instead of stay through to Monday for the race. He needed to go to work and I just think we needed to get home. He drove 6 hours with no breaks to his moms house. We missed Snickers. Snickers was so excited to see us! It was awsome to recieve his greating. We came home and the cat missed us too. It feels good to be home. But now that im watching the race on tv, it would be cool to be there. And tonight Matt plans on making the 5 hour round trip to get Simon.
OH!!! and the crack in the window keeps getting bigger!