A few days ago, A girl I worked with offered to come and watch Logan. Sure? why not? Now the question is, what do we do without our child? Go to dinner? but we do that with him just fine. I cant sit through a movie cause since being pregnant, my tiny attention span got much smaller. Shopping? All we need is groceries and that is fun with Logan in tow. My husband suggested that we get some painting done and I liked his idea but I didnt want her to think we didnt her. So what did we do on our baby free evening? We returned something.
We bought the play yard pieces a few weeks ago and as soon as we bought them, my mom told us about an offer on craigs list. So from some dude on craigslist, we picked up 14 play yard pieces for 80 bucks. Thats 2 more than we bought and even with one gate being half off (buy one get one half), we still saved 50 bucks buy returning them. They are big so it was easier to return without the boy. And we had them sitting in my car since we went to return them on sunday but I forgot the receipt. Then we ate dinner at Uno's and browsed Target. We also couldnt come home empty handed. Matt picked out pjs at Crazy 8 and since it was a 2 for deal, Logan got 2 pjs and a T-shirt. But they are for easter so dont tell him. I also decided to give my baby sitter a Mrs. Fields cookie. I pay well. So of course I bought 3 cookies to get a free one. I gave her one and this morning when I cam down stairs, one or both of the dogs had eaten all 3 of MY cookies. (I blame snickers but I have no proof and you cant tell when a dog shits chocolate chips)
How did Logan do? He did what Logan does. He smiled for her, probably giggled for her, he ate his dinner for her, drank a bottle (my milk :P) for her, cuddled with her and fell asleep on her. When asked if he cried, I guess he whined for his paci when he was ready. He was asleep when we got home at 8:30. But he woke up before she left. And he smiled at her and reached for her. I guess he was fine...
But this morning, while laying in the big bed, he looked at Matt and said "Da Da". He says it, but we didnt know if he knew what it meant. But a few mins later while playing, he looked at me and said "Ma Ma". Again, he can say it but... it melted our hearts :).
But he woke up at 6:15 this morning. Earliest ever. No more sitters. :P