After a few years of trying, IVF/ICSI, an ectopic, and then my successful frozen transfer resulted in my amazing baby boy, im not ready to go at it again. Matt has been ready for baby number 2 since Logan was born. And by born, I mean before I was even stitched up from the c-section. After years of wanting a baby, I am enjoying the fact that I have ONE. One is easy. One is manageable by me. One is not hard to clean up after. One fits in the grocery cart just fine. Im well aware that one child is easy and I love it. I also remember wanting to puke away my first trimester and sleep away my third trimester. How can my head be in the toilet all morning with a child who wants to inspect what Im doing and is demanding a diaper change and some food and uh... attention? How can I nap all day long during my third trimester with a high energy, shitty nap taking toddler boy? How am I supposed to recover from another c-section while caring for a high energy toddler, a baby, and now I have stairs in my house?!?! What if its a girl? There goes our savings and I already told Matt he will need to up my shopping budget. What it its a boy? If its a boy, Ill have a lot of pressure to go for baby 3 in hopes of a girl. 3 boys is my limit and I am NOT going for baby 4. Im not really even sure about baby 3 and Im not ready for baby 2.
I didnt have to worry about getting pregnant and the time for baby 2 was out of my hands for a year. Because of the c-secion, I had to wait till the babies would be born 2 or more years apart so I couldnt get pregnant until Logan was 15m old. They wouldnt approve me of it so i was safe. I told myself I would enjoy baby number 1 for a year without any thoughts of baby 2. Baby 2 was far in the distance. I could get pregnant in Novermber to make them 2 years apart. I dont want to be THAT pregnant for Logans birthday party so I wanted it a bit later. But I would call the infertility clinic when I got back from vacation and see when they wanted me to come back to do testing to be all set for my next frozen transfer. I came back Sunday. I called yesterday.
By calling the infertility clinic, I have started the path for baby 2. I dont have to call to make an appointment until late next month and I can start going back in October so make for a winter transfer. When the nurse called me back to answer any questions I had, it was Ellen. Ellen called me to tell me I was not pregnant and it was probably ectopic and gave me a big hug (even though I was smiling because that was the most pregnant I had ever been! Im way to optimistic ha ha) and she got to call me when I was pregnant. "Hi Kristin, its Ellen!" "Hi Ellen! I miss you" "Your ready to come back?" I told her about my wonderful son, and how awesome of a father he has and that we are ready for baby 2.
"Yes Ellen, Im ready to come back!"
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The reason we went to philly! Cousin Quentins 5th birthday party!
The party was an Angry Birds theme and something tells me, them are some really angry birds. One flew away, another set went up in flames, and many more tried to drown. Wind, fire and water. Things that no party planner ever wants to have to deal with. After the wind started the fire and the rain tried to help, the party was a go, outside still!
I didnt get many pictures. Logan was insistent on trying to get his hands on everything and we were trying not to give him a nap. We were packed and the car was loaded with our things. We were leaving around 6. If Logan didnt nap, maybe he would sleep the whole car ride!
MMMMM FOOOOOOD! Logan was able to reach the kids plates at the kid table. I was keeping him from grabbing their food and their juice boxes. We found watermelon to be a huge hit. And he found chips. I let him eat the chips. Why not? Hid goody box came with a toy (its been put away for now), a cup (which he LOVES to put his french toast sticks and toys into) and the box it came in (which housed my phone yesterday when I went looking all around the house for it).
Oh yeah, It was also Logans FIRST BIRTHDAY! I didnt bring him ant presents (considering I didnt get him anything besides clothes that he wont need till winter). Grammy Jean got him a really awesome First legos Firetruck (he loves it! The pieces are all over the floor and the fire hydrant is in the dogs water dish), Grammy Virginia gave him an outfit (very cute! Perfect for our cape cod trip coming up!) and some containers and rubber duckies, Grammy Kathy gave him some kids crayons (must draw her a picture!).
Logan made a friend quickly in Grammy Jean.
He napped. He missed cake and presents because he took a really awesome nap. We were about to wake him up, when he woke on his own. Hopped in the car. An hour in, he was crying. We stopped and ran around for a bit at a rest stop. Went about another hour and a half. Stopped and got out of the car for a bit. Then boy fell asleep. He woke up as we got home at a bit after 11. He played and ran around the house and at midnight, he was showering with Matt cause he was still sticky from the watermelon. We went to bed. It was a good, long, stressfull (not as much for me as it was for poor Keira!) day.
What did we do in Philly? Friday
Everyone and their mother (no really, everyones mother was there except for mine!) was at the Rupon House turned Hotel on Friday. Becky arrived Friday morning, but by morning I mean 2 or 3am. She brought along Baby Cousin Mackenzie and her mother in law Kathy. Friday was a planned zoo day. It was not a very good day to plan for a zoo trip. It was very very hot and humid. But we persisted because, well, because!
Brother and sister love!
thank goodness for the glass!
Anthony keeps Logan amused.
Mackenzies first zoo trip!
Love from Auntie Becky!
When we got back to Hotel de Rupon, Virginia (Brother in laws mother) was there. Father in law and cousin Joe came around 10ish pm. Thats 3+3+2+1+1+4 in one house. That made 3 grandmothers some who are also mothers but total number of moms was 6.
What did we do in Philly? Thursday
Matt arrived late Wednesday night after Logan went to sleep. When we woke up, Daddy was here! But he had work to do. As in, a job just randomly happened to be an hour away and Matt talked them into letting him go on thursday. Why not? We had Matt bring us to target for some much needed... Uh... and then he went to work. Candy, Anthony, and Bella (Logans arranged marriage wife) picked us up and brought us to the Please Touch Museum. Candy payed for her team of kids, Bella was not free because she turned 1 a few days prior. When it was my turn, "1 adult and 1 child ma'am" "No, just adult, hes free under 1 correct?" "MMMMM HHHMMMMMMM, hes under 1 Ma'am?" "Yes, his birthday is this saturday!" "MMMMMM HMMMMM, 1 adult, 16 bucks please Ma'am". Im not lying lady!
There was way to much to do in such little time! Logan started off in a bad mood and wouldnt let me put him down. probably because he needed a nap before we got there but refused to take one. He perked up though pretty quickly and we had a blast.
There was way to much to do in such little time! Logan started off in a bad mood and wouldnt let me put him down. probably because he needed a nap before we got there but refused to take one. He perked up though pretty quickly and we had a blast.
"Hey babe, hop in!"
Where should we sit?
He climbed over this about 10+ times.
We need to work on "ladies first" and being a gentleman....
Merry go round with Daddy! He feel asleep as soon as we left.
And when he woke up, it was time to go to IHOP for cousin Quentins 5th birthday dinner. IHOP you say? IM IN!
What did we do in Philly? Wednesday
Wednesday, we did nothing. But by nothing, I mean we stayed at the house all day. And by nothing, I mean we played with lots and lots of toys. And by toys, I mean play food and (you would never have guessed!) monster trucks!
Fridge magnets are awesome! Any time we went looking for Logan around the house, he was usually here.
This chair is really really cool!
Back to napping!
Best place ever.
we got a tooth!
Tuesday, our first full day in philly, was a trying day. Logan woke up cranky. Logan could not leave my side. I could barely leave him long enough to get a shower in.
He also realized he could get into this kids chair and had a lot of fun curling up in it.
We went to the cemetery because... doesn't everyone go there on vacation? no? hmmm... Thats what I get for traveling with someone who does genealogy.
But we did go shopping!
Shopping wasnt toooooo bad. He was a bit winy and cranky and needed to be held. He also needed an outfit change which was not fun in the bathroom. He also threw his toys into the toilet while I was wrangling his nasty first outfit into a bag. (wet bags are a must!).
Got back to Auntie Keiras house and there it was. Tooth number 1. Thank the freakin lord.
Were going on a trip!
.And yes, that song was stuck in my head the whole train ride and the next week and it still is.
My mother in law and I along with a whiny and cranky non napping very good TODDLER boy names Logan, boarded the train. 5 hours on a train with Logan was not something I was looking forward to. I cried on and off all morning because he was crying on and off all morning. I was having trouble packing my bag because I could not leave him alone. I had 4 hours to go and that seemed like no time to me. I called Matt crying and told him I couldnt go. Not only could I not pack my bags, but how was I supposed to look all "I got this" on a train with a crying cranky and whiny boy. I didnt want to be THAT person. So I called the dr to squeeze in an appointment. 11:30am. That gave me 2 hours from the time I made it to get everything done because there was no time after the appointment. So, I cut 4 impossible hours down into 2. Today sucked from the start.
I loaded the boy with tylenol (saving advil for the train ride), fed him, gave him his bottle, cuddled him, sang to him, cried with him and eventually we bot got exhausted and he fell asleep. That gave me 45 minutes to throw together everything I could possible need, pack a bag for the train ride and a bag for the dr. Wake him up (I hate doing that!) and head to the dr. Did I mention I had to go 30mins away because the office in town didnt have any appointments? We go and see the dr. "I think its teething but I wanted to make sure it was nothing else as we will be away for the next week". He had a 101.4 fever and no higher for 2 days. I assumed teething but I was informed by the dr that teething does not cause fever. Which is something that I had assumed was normal because everyone and their best friend told me it was. I was told rudely by this dr that his ears were fine, throat and breathing were fine and he was fine. I could run bloodwork the next day for the "fever" but since I was going away I was NOT going to take proper care of my child. "Oh, ill be staying with a pediatrician so im not too worried". Well if your not too worried there was no reason to come in today. She walked out with an attitude and gave me a pamphlet on fevers. Thanks. I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to need services from 5 hours away and I had already assumed it was nothing but didnt want to burden people if my child was actually sick.
Got home, got bags, loaded car, headed to pick up mother in law. Got Matt, he dropped us off and drove off. I then had Matt to come back and drop off my phone since I left it in the car. Ooops. I needed to change a diaper but there was no where to change a diaper in the tiny Amtrak station. Got on the train, changed a diaper. All was going to be okay.
My mother in law and I along with a whiny and cranky non napping very good TODDLER boy names Logan, boarded the train. 5 hours on a train with Logan was not something I was looking forward to. I cried on and off all morning because he was crying on and off all morning. I was having trouble packing my bag because I could not leave him alone. I had 4 hours to go and that seemed like no time to me. I called Matt crying and told him I couldnt go. Not only could I not pack my bags, but how was I supposed to look all "I got this" on a train with a crying cranky and whiny boy. I didnt want to be THAT person. So I called the dr to squeeze in an appointment. 11:30am. That gave me 2 hours from the time I made it to get everything done because there was no time after the appointment. So, I cut 4 impossible hours down into 2. Today sucked from the start.
I loaded the boy with tylenol (saving advil for the train ride), fed him, gave him his bottle, cuddled him, sang to him, cried with him and eventually we bot got exhausted and he fell asleep. That gave me 45 minutes to throw together everything I could possible need, pack a bag for the train ride and a bag for the dr. Wake him up (I hate doing that!) and head to the dr. Did I mention I had to go 30mins away because the office in town didnt have any appointments? We go and see the dr. "I think its teething but I wanted to make sure it was nothing else as we will be away for the next week". He had a 101.4 fever and no higher for 2 days. I assumed teething but I was informed by the dr that teething does not cause fever. Which is something that I had assumed was normal because everyone and their best friend told me it was. I was told rudely by this dr that his ears were fine, throat and breathing were fine and he was fine. I could run bloodwork the next day for the "fever" but since I was going away I was NOT going to take proper care of my child. "Oh, ill be staying with a pediatrician so im not too worried". Well if your not too worried there was no reason to come in today. She walked out with an attitude and gave me a pamphlet on fevers. Thanks. I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to need services from 5 hours away and I had already assumed it was nothing but didnt want to burden people if my child was actually sick.
Got home, got bags, loaded car, headed to pick up mother in law. Got Matt, he dropped us off and drove off. I then had Matt to come back and drop off my phone since I left it in the car. Ooops. I needed to change a diaper but there was no where to change a diaper in the tiny Amtrak station. Got on the train, changed a diaper. All was going to be okay.
Logan was slightly confused as to what to do about this train thing.
But realized he could play!
and stand and make music with his mouth (note the train shirt :P)
and look out the window!
and nap, so sweet!
and bug grandma
and watch out the window with grandma.
We made it. It was not bad at all. He also went to sleep no problem that night. Thank goodness.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The month of July
The month of July was a busy one. Even if we stayed home, it was busy. Logan doesn't stop moving long enough for me to do much. His naps were all out of whack, leading to me showering and grabbing breakfast. Not long enough to eat the breakfast though. Many days, I was thankful for being able to stay at home while my child destroys the house. Other days, I was looking for jobs so that I could get away from my destroyed house for a few hours a day. But in the end, things got picked up, put back together, and hidden under the couch. Logan has a preference for his dad most of the time. Which also gives me extra time during the waking hours. "He wanted you! So you get to keep him!". But that only allows some laundry to be done and maybe dinner to be made. I can not have the dishwasher down while Logan is awake or it just becomes a jungle gym. No matter where he is in the house, if the gate at the bottom of the stairs is open, he knows it! He enjoys going up the stairs. He is now just starting to figure out he can go down backwards. But he doesn't like going backwards because then he cant see where hes going. The month of July was busy with kids birthday parties, friend meet ups, wedding showers, weddings, moving friends and lots of shopping for presents for those events! Logan is so amazing with his his go with the flow attitude.
His friend Jaxens first birthday party! The boys had a blast playing in the little pool and all the mud that was created from the pool water. Logan also ate the pasta salad (not allergic to eggs! Although probably not the best time to try it out). Logan and Jaxen had fun ridding in Jaxens new wagon.
I knew this shelf needed to be moved but Matt insisted on it being in the living room. Thats fine dear, they are your books. The nap after this picture was taken, was spent moving the bookshelf and books upstairs. And yes, that one pink book is actually mine.
Nap times are generally easy if Logan is tired. But if hes overtired, they suck. Matt is so much better at nap time than me, but I must do it when im home and no Matt. We bring him into the spare room and lay with him. If hes ready, it takes minutes. If hes not, it sucks
He LOVES jumping on the couch (or bed). He is also way to wiggly to dress most of the time. I can usually get a diaper on him but clothes may take a while. I do socks and shoes when he is confined to the car seat.
Birthday lunch with Karin and Grampa!
Grandma wanted a bike seat for her bike, and the size one helmit fit perfectly. Logan loved sitting there contently enjoying the ride around the block (many times around the block!).
He needed a hair cut, his wings were almost ready to help him take off. He sat pretty still (considering it was nap time and he was exhausted already) but Grandma Bard had the same idea as the boys. She surprised us at the door. Logan could hear her chatting it up (not Joyce!) with her hairdresser across the room and kept trying to find her again.
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