Getting Logan dressed is no easy task. Sit still and cooperate?!?! no way! So usually it takes a few minutes. Take clothes off while he is running away. Each time he comes back, take off another piece of clothes. when boy is fully naked, get clean diaper on right away. He has pooped on the carpet in the 3.5 seconds it took for me to get him out of the bath, grab a diaper and get back to him in the spare room. After that it becomes a fight. We usually have to pin him down and listen to him scream in horror that we are keeping him from chasing the cat to put socks on him. But the moment you get the jacket on, he is at the door waiting to go wherever we are going.
I was watching that.
He loves cans. We turn the tab to let him play with them. We aren't totally irresponsible.
Logans wubbanub broke. When he saw it, he was so so so sad. It was the first time he experienced what sad actually felt like. He was just studying both pieces and trying to wrap his head around the fact that his best buddy was broken. Luckily he has his giraffe still. Once that goes, good luck to us!
Hair cut! Because his curls grow and grow and grow.
he is starting to enjoy not wearing clothes...
we call this his stage.
shoving a big banana bite in your face, looks like this: