Woke up early to head to the hospital for surgery number 3. Little lady was far too happy on surgery morning. I felt so bad for the innocents she had for where this little car seat was taking her.
Still so happy while waiting to go back. The fact that she had not had food for 4 hours wasn't bothering her. The morning went way to easy
But when surgery was over, she was miserable and having troubling breathing with all the secretions in her mouth.
She was not swallowing. They had her on her side to have it drain out but it still filler her mouth and made her choke.
They also had to keep full oxygen on her because her stats kept dropping. They had to keep using the suction systen to suck out her mouth and nose when her oxygen levels got so bad due to her mouth full of blood and saliva.
She was struggling to breath way to hard so they decided to send her to the bigger hospital in case she needed more care. The did not want to intubate her because putting it in could have cause issues with the palate repair but it was close to it a few times. There were some scary moments with her breathing that even the nurses were concerned.
Transferring to the bigger hospital also meant the could give her some better pain management. They gave her an extra dose of morphine and hooked her up on the stretcher. I went with her for the ambulance ride.
When we got to the hospital, Emelia was stoned. She had no issues in the 45 minute transfer and was breathing perfect when we got to the hospital. Something in that ambulance trip worked because she was doing amazing. Her pupils were so tiny and she was just so out of it. We got some good sleep that night, thank goodness. She spent the night in the PICU.
We eventually got our own hospital room the next morning because she was doing so well. We tried feeding her a few times and it went okay.
By the next morning, she was eating, smiling and looked like she was back to herself.