Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Almost done with the bedroom

Goodness I never want to paint again. And I've barely begun. Room 1 of the house is almost done. I recieved the comforter set on monday and bought paint on tuesday. Would have bought it monday but someone had to shovel the driveway. That someone was me because Matt thinks the mortgage is importent. My mommy came to help me and Matt got there in time to finish the last square inch. Tonight Matt put the second coat of primer on the closet so we can paint it tomarrow. My mom cleaned windows and helped paint trim. Bryan taped windows and helped paint trim. And I painted the trim. Sounds like fun? And we get to do a second coat because they were gross. The color wasn't too different. It went from a dark baige to a lighter baige. It looks cleaner and updated though. I will take pictures in the light tomarrow and learn how to post some in progress pictures. I can't wait till we get furnature on wednessday and i can put my comforter on it and enjoy my room being done. And as soon as i breath that in, we are stripping wallpaper again! Great. We are doing the living roomnext because we would like a place for people to chill in when they come over. We can't invite everyone into the bedroom to watch tv. Its only a queen size bed and Im sure snickers will take up most of it.
We plan to do a light brown on the walls with red accents. We are doing red because of the brick from the back of the fire place. So, we will clean the brick and someone use it. And for some reason I really want a chocolate brown couch. Don't know why, I just do. We have not found furnature for the living room yet. We will browse this saturday when we go clothes shopping. For Matt. He asked me if we could go clothes shopping for him. I better get something out of this too. I think he wants a more profesional look for work. Now that he will have an impact on a company, he wants to look good. Cutting the fro he was groing helped his image. Now if he would shave his 10 uneven randome placed facial hairs we might make progress. And a few more showers. To his sister, was one bathroom enough in the house or should there have been 2? And if there were 2, do you think Matt would still prefer to be filthy? Its gross. Want to know why we have no kids yet? Nevermind. Anyways the house is coming alone and no one is invited over till we have a place to sit. Right now I am sitting on thje airmattress with a keybored on my lap. The computer moniter is on top of a litter box so that it is not on the floor and easier to see. Mymouse is on a different box. The laptop is upside down somewhere on the floor. I need furnature.


Leah said...

I don't think having 3 sisters had anything to do with it. Once he got out of the tub to ask our mom if he had to wash the parts that didn't show.

Boy just likes being dirty.

KBard said...