Red Sox fan!!!!
Simon is our new golden retriever pup. Matt has wanted his golden for a long time. Before we even lived together. He also wanted a beagle. Beagle came first, obviously. And now seemed like a good time to give the beagle a friend. Snickers did meet Simon when we brought him over to Matts parents house. He sort of understood that he had a new brother. He tried to play with him like he would play with the cat. Kinda cute, kinda wierd. He also just wanted to hump him any chance he got. We just kept reminding Snickers that some day Simon will be bigger. And that wont take long.
But, we had an emergency already. He was tooo skinny today and his poop was very very bloody and watery. I had made an appointment for next wednesday but called and asked to be seen sooner. We settled on saturday and just before I hung up, I saw a pool of blood on the floor and the vet had me come in asap. So I did and we got a room right away as to not infect anyone or any animal. We got seen right away and taken care of very fast and I loved the ladies. They were helpful and awsome. We did the parvo test and all the other parasite tests. They were acting as if it coulde be parvo. Disinfecting everything he touched and even cleaning their own shoes. I was scared. But she came back and said he was clear of Parvo and would not need to stay the night. He had giardia. Easy to treat. K. She went to go make sure that was all. Nope. He also has coccidia. So 2 forms of parasites. No wonder he was so skinny this afternoon. So he got some fluids pumped into himself and he got a pill and some yummy liquid stuff. He is on a prescription diet to gain weight and make his digestive tract better. He loved the food. MMMM. Hes home now and sleepy.
On a good note and hopefully im not jinxing it, he is doing awsome in his crate. No poop last night or today. Hes a good boy so far.
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