Now we do the Kitchen!
We went to sears one night to look at stovetops and microwaves. No one even tried to talk to us and they make only commision! Their loss. We were going to order online and figured we would stop at Mannys just to look. Sears had the best prices from all my researcher on everything we needed. But! Mannys found a better stove top in their back room for us to take home and gave us the scratch and dent price even though we looked it over and it was beautiful. $240.00 off sticker price! So we have our stove top.
Our dishwasher goes under the sink. Only GE makes it. We have no choice but to order the only one out there we need. We need a new one because ours is crappy and its the only white appliance. Matt ordered that online.
New countertops are prelaminated and Matt just has to cut them down to size. Hope its as easy as it sounds. Floors will be tiled. And a wall may come down, or a whole may get cut, or not. We shall see when I get home from work tomorrow. Matt has next week off to get this done.
We started tonight. We took the REAL paneling off the walls and got rid of the stove top.
When we bought the house, a new electrical box was installed and labeled. We trusted those labels. Matt turned off the one marked stove. Took the stove out and it poped and flashed. Wrong fuse. Jerks.

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