Thursday, May 19, 2011

30 weeks!

Here are some doggies cause they are cute.

Here is the room as it is now. Slow going but we have no big rush. yet.

Me! Today at 30 weeks!!

     Today marks 30 weeks. 70 (ish) days left. 3/4 (ish) done. Not freaking out or anything since this was obvously planned with having to do IVF and all but IM GOING TO HAVE A REAL BABY SOON. Im going to be MOM. oh my. oh my. oh my. 
     My only complaint is still heartburn. It sucks and I am thankful to have milkshakes at work, ice cream at home, and tums on my person at ALL times and next to my bed. I have heartburn when I have an empty stomach, doesnt matter what I eat or drink, and sometimes it doesnt want to go away. I also average sleeping for 90 minutes at a time. I got up a good 4ish times a night to pee. I am thankful though that I get up because if I happen to sleep for a longer stretch, it hurts to get up and then I wonder if Ill make it to the potty.
   I dont really have much to say yet. I have had an easy pregnancy, which is good considering the begining of it and the fun it took to achieve. I have been working fullish time on my feet and doing just fine, but next week is my last full week. I have 4 small shifts throughout June now, but thats fine. My shower is in a week and then I can go through and sort every little baby item I have aquired in the last 4 years and do something with it all.
   All in all, Im still amazed to be here. 30 weeks. oh my.

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