I dont usually rant to anyone but my husband because I really have nothing to rant about. But I need a reminder as to why this will be an only child. Morning sickness sucked. Puking everyday for 10 weeks was no fun. And since I worked early mornings many times a week, half the puking episodes happened at work. Lukily, next time (maybe) I will not be working in fast food and at 5am or till 2am. The tiredness in the first trimester sucked. Especially working 8+ hours on my feet running around being productive. Lukily I could take a nap whenever I had nothing to do, next time (maybe) I will have a child to contend too. Trimester 1 also was shitty because of the added hormones I took. Progesterone supositories 3 times a day from day 1 till 13weeks. Estrogen patches on my stomach that went from 1 patch every 2 days, to 4 patches every 2 days from day 1 until week 8ish I think. Trimester 2 was spent hungry. I was eating lots of snacks and thats when I gained my 25lbs. I could eat, and I could have competed with my beagle for who was more ravenous. But I was also working full time on me feet running around like a crazy women and therefor felt no reason to work out since I was doing enough at work. Trimester 2 was kinda crappy though because I never had a belly and had to explain to people that I was eating and gaining and really was x amount of weeks along and yes im sure because I have seen my baby and doctors didnt seem concerned. Next time (maybe), Im sure ill get bigger like many times happens with number 2 (maybe) and Ill realize how easy it was. I also never got a cute bump. It always had a funny line in it that made it look flat and stupid. Not something I wanted to show off but I took what I got because it meant a growing baby. Trimester 2 was also boring having had an anterior placenta and not feeling baby till almost 20ish weeks. But, Ill take what i can get since baby is making up for that now, painfully. Trimester 3 started fine. But then the kicks and punches and wiggles actually became painful. Maybe the baby has run out of room and I wish I was bigger so that maybe it wouldnt hurt so bad. I never had an increse in peeing until trimester 3. I always went often but it wasnt hindering my sleep. Now, I sleep in 45 minute-90 minute spurts. If I actually go 2 hours, I am thankful. And sleeping is crappy. Baby does the painful moves at night when Im on my side but I cant lay on my back comfortable and it gets even more pissed when I try laying on my belly. I lay in bed for a few hours and pee whenever my body wants. I usually get some good sleep in the morning time, but that cuts into my being productive for the day. If I get up early, I need a nap by 11. Sometimes I am sleeping till 11 and I really miss getting up by 9 but my body is not letting me get up since I didnt really get much sleep. Sleeping is going to suck next time (maybe) because ill have a kid to contend too. Heartburn has been my constant factor since halfway through trimester 2. Tums work great but I dont want to take to many so I add a few ice cream bars into the daily mix. My heartburn has no trigger food, but I get it worst on an empty stomach or when I am too full. If heartburn is an indication of hair, I had best bring pony tails for my newborn girl, or hair clippers for my newborn boy. and next time (maybe), I will buy times by the wholesale box and see if its cheaper than buying a large bottle every few weeks. Ice cream isnt bad since Im just eating store brand vanilla with fudge coating bars. Trimester 3 is also bringing on nausea. I didnt have the nausea in trimester 1, just puked. Now I am nauseous after I eat breakfast and eating sucks. I havent gained much weight in the last 7 weeks because my appitite sucks. Im trying to snack and im drinking as much water as I can fit but food just isnt my thing. I dont have any cravings and never really did, except a small taco and chips and salsa period. I dont have an aversions and nothing ever set me off. Now its just nothing at all whatsoever sounds good to me. But now when I actually want food, I want a good solid meal of steak or chicken and veggies. Something of substance to helpe me feel better. Trimester 3 still has weeks to go and I am not ready to have a baby in my house or in the nicu so I will take whatever the next few weeks has to throw at me. And the babies room?!?! All the clothes are now washed and going to be put away tonight. Things are ready to go and the only thing I really need left to buy is my nursing pads but I want wool ones and Im waiting for them to come around again on my deal of the day site.
Not so rant:
I enjoy that I havent written in my other blog about my still struggles with infertility. I am thankful beyond words that I am pregnant after one round of IVF. I am beyond thankful that insurance has covered everything it has taken to get this child. I am more than thankful that technology is so great I didnt end up with twins because I dont know how people with multiples can manage a pregnancy and then after. I am glad that my only complaints are morning sickness that ended by week 13, and heartburn that is controlled by tums and ice cream. I am blessed to still be pregnant at 34 weeks with a baby that lets me know on a regular basis that it has feet and is cant yet figure out the breathing thing down by having the hic-ups a million (3 or 4) times a day. I am exstatic that I will get to make my husband a daddy.
Next time(maybe) I am going to try to not be pregnant in summer.
1 comment:
Hang in there, kid. The last few weeks are the worst but you will get through them and have a wonderful child in your life.
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