They wheeled us into our recovery room at 3:30am. I was still attached to something at every limb. They left the blood pressure cuff on me all night since I was getting checked every hour. Was still on the magnesium and fluids and still had the catheter. I also had the things on my legs still for blood flow while I laid in bed. I was drinking water like crazy, just as I had in labor. The nurse stayed in my room all night sitting at a computer in the corner. She yelled at me for drinking too much water and told me I was on fluids so the water was not necessarily. She also yelled at me for using my phone and told me I needed to sleep. Every time she came over to me to check my blood pressure, she would move my table with my phone and water off to the side but not put it back. I would ask for my table back and she would sigh and put it back. Then at 5, she told me she was taking the baby to the nursery because he was getting evaluated by the pediatrician soon and I needed sleep. I made sure he would not get a paci or bottle and she promised that they dont give those out unless the parents authorize it. Good enough for me. Im not sure I slept though. With the beeping every time my IV thing went off for no stupid reason (happened many times over the few days I had my IV), or my blood pressure cuff or the pain or all the meds and percocets and the bubbles in my belly or the itching on my belly that I couldn't itch because I was numb. Recovery sucked.
Sometimes after the sun came up, I was still wide awake. My dr came in to make sure all was good, and I was healing just fine. My blood pressure was normal for me and I was released from the cuff. They were still going to check it often, but not every hour anymore. Matt got on his computer in the corner and I just chilled out in my bed. Breakfast came and I drank my apple juice and water and milk but I threw up my first bite of food. Damn it. I was still on fluids so it didn't matter but the food looked so good. I could drink and drink and drink, but not eat a bite. I drank lots of water and apple juice all day. I had to keep the shade down and the room quiet still but I was bored. I had a few visitors which was nice. I was exhausted of course, but bored. Stuck in bed and my baby just slept.
I got a new nurse (thank goodness) and she was funny! That afternoon, she told Matt to change the diaper. She said, "go ahead dad!" and walked away. Poor Matt walked up to the kid and looked a bit confused. I was laughing in bed. I told the nurse he had never done this before. She looked intrigued and walked back to Matt and watched him for a sec. Then she just kind of told him what to do and he did just fine :) She also taught him how to swaddle. Lunch came and I took a bite and threw it up. Damn it. I continues to drink a lot though. My nurse laughed at how often they had to empty my pee bag.
I got a message in the afternoon from Bonnie who said her water broke. She was due Aug 23 and we joked that If I went late and she went early we could be in the hospital together. Looks like it wasn't just a joke! after a boring day of sitting around and sleeping in 2 minute increments, sometime in the evening a nurse came in and said "There's a Bonnie here to see you" while looking all confused. Bonnie came into my room with her hospital gown and IV pole.
At 11pm they took me off the magnesium. And the nurse made me stand. That sucked. Then at about 1am, she took out my catheter and told me to page her when I had to pee. Couldn't they leave it in and let me sleep? At 3:30, I had to pee. Paged the nurse and of course she assisted me to pee. Then she decided that since I was up, We should go walking! Cause thats what I wanted to do at 3:30am after not sleeping for 48 hours. We left and walked the hall slowly but then I heard a crying coming from my room. Baby was crying hard and Matt was just sleeping through it right next to him. Me and the nurse just laughed at him as I got back into bed and fed him. They took me off the fluid sometimes the next morning and I was officially free from the pole. I still had the blood flow boot things on and so when I needed to pee, they had to come assist me and take them off. This was now saturday morning.
Breakfast came and I ate it and it stayed down! I was fine going to the bathroom myself so they took my blood flow things away. They took my fluid away too so I was free from all wires! My mom visited and we headed to see Bonnie who was having a fun run around with dr's and labor. I got some other visitors too. Sometime that morning I tried to change a diaper now that I could stand and walk. I asked Matt what to do about the cord and diaper situation and he pushed me out of the way. "I got this" he said. Okay. So then I swaddled my son and Matt said "I'll fix it". So apparently Matt became parent of the year sometime during our hospital stay.
By Saturday evening I was walking the halls just fine and taking care of my baby by myself. I took a shower and then my in laws came for a visit. Matt was debating whether he would stay another night or just go home because he was sleeping very poorly on the converted couch/bed thing. It sealed the deal when my gas meds were really kicking in and making the room stinky. The bubbles in my stomach were horrible. It was a weird sensation and of course actually farting was awkward because I couldn't feel most of my middle insides or outsides. So Matt went home for the night. I asked my nurse when I would go home, thinking it would be Monday or Tuesday morning. She said I could go home Sunday because I was doing fine on my own. Bonnie was moved to her recovery room after having her daughter, Olivia. We took our babies to each others rooms and walked the halls for a good part of the evening.
I tried to sleep that night but it was hard. I couldn't really get in and out of bed very easily. The baby was in my arms most of the night because I couldn't reach his bassinet without getting up. I got out of bed at 4am and went to the rocking chair. We stayed in that chair for a few hours and watched the sun come up.
At 8 I was to stop feeding the baby and at 9 he was going in for his circumcision. Matt came back while Logan was gone. We cleaned up and packed up and got ready to go home for noon. Logan came back crying so I was told to feed him to calm him down. When that didn't work, Matt took him and cuddled him and that did the trick. The discharge nurse came in and we did all the paperwork needed. At 1pm, we left the hospital and headed home with our new baby.
By Saturday evening I was walking the halls just fine and taking care of my baby by myself. I took a shower and then my in laws came for a visit. Matt was debating whether he would stay another night or just go home because he was sleeping very poorly on the converted couch/bed thing. It sealed the deal when my gas meds were really kicking in and making the room stinky. The bubbles in my stomach were horrible. It was a weird sensation and of course actually farting was awkward because I couldn't feel most of my middle insides or outsides. So Matt went home for the night. I asked my nurse when I would go home, thinking it would be Monday or Tuesday morning. She said I could go home Sunday because I was doing fine on my own. Bonnie was moved to her recovery room after having her daughter, Olivia. We took our babies to each others rooms and walked the halls for a good part of the evening.
I tried to sleep that night but it was hard. I couldn't really get in and out of bed very easily. The baby was in my arms most of the night because I couldn't reach his bassinet without getting up. I got out of bed at 4am and went to the rocking chair. We stayed in that chair for a few hours and watched the sun come up.
At 8 I was to stop feeding the baby and at 9 he was going in for his circumcision. Matt came back while Logan was gone. We cleaned up and packed up and got ready to go home for noon. Logan came back crying so I was told to feed him to calm him down. When that didn't work, Matt took him and cuddled him and that did the trick. The discharge nurse came in and we did all the paperwork needed. At 1pm, we left the hospital and headed home with our new baby.
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