Hes cute!
First bath! He didn't complain at all in the tub. He didn't know what to make of it but the fallowing bunch of baths have proved he may actually like bath time! He however does not like the time from getting out of the tub, to right before the towel is wrapped around him. As soon as he is warm again though, hes happy. And of course he smells so good after! He gets a bath every few days right now. Usually after a good spit up or a good poop.
Tummy time! He doesn't mind being on his belly. He likes it on the floor, and he likes it on his daddy. He moves his head from side to side and gets on his knees and kicks his legs.
Outings! He goes many a places with us/me. He visits daddy and grandpa and uncle Eric at the bowling ally. He didn't bowl, or wake up for that matter, but he had fun... sleeping.
Pacifiers! Hes not a fan of them and only takes one at certain times. Usually when he starts sucking on his hand, it means he wants to eat. Usually, I can feed him. But if we are out or in the car we try to hold him over with the pacy. Usually it does not work but when it does, it buys us an extra few mins. Like to get from one end of the mall to the other so I can nurse at babies r us (a few times) or if I am almost home! If it doesn't work, I am stuck feeding him where I am and that's fine too. He has probably only taken the pacy 5 or 6 times in his first month. Never has it been at night to fall asleep and never has it been for more than a few mins till he spits it out. We do think that he will be a thumb or finger sucker once he figures out how to use his hand.

Cloth diapers! I could use more diapers but I bought enough to learn what I'm doing and what I like. I have neutral colors and need to get some boy stuff but I need to see what works for us first. We are still using disposables for out of the house because the cloth is so bulky on him cause hes still small and I could use a bigger diaper bag and more diapers. I also cut out all the squares to my wipes but need to sew them. Shouldn't take more than an hour to do it all. Its not the boy that keeps me from finishing them, its the kitten! I am afraid to use the sewing machine with her around. But, I need to finish those.

His swing and bouncy seat! He doesn't really know what to do in his swing or bouncy seat yet. He falls asleep anywhere, and anyway, so using the swing to fall asleep doesn't work. But once he is asleep, I stick him the swing and hes comfy for hours. Can do the same with the bouncy seat. I also take the bouncy seat into the bathroom with me when I shower. He will stay awake in the seat and look around and be content for a while.
Hes so cute!
Some more topic without pictures are:
Breastfeeding! He has yet to have a bottle. I need to break out my pump that is still sealed in the box and start using it and get him used to a bottle. But one whole month with just boobs is an awesome accomplishment to me! I have nursed him a few times at babies r us, a kids birthday party, in the room at the drs, the locker room at the bowling ally and at many a houses. I have nursed in the parking lots of McDonalds, Big Y, Kohls, Walmart and the bowling ally. Some of those more than once.
Potty! He pees way to much. He also poops often. His favorite time to poop is as soon as he has a new fresh diaper on. I also like to hear him grunt cause its funny.
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