Thursday, May 3, 2012

Play time!

Logan now knows how most of his toys are meant to be used. But, that fun is long gone. Now come the days of using that toy for many other purposes. Our tumbler toys are easy to hold and put where we want. Like on the cable box.

Or on the dog

Which is how we get this. 

He talks to the animals. He smiles and squeals for any one of them. Snickers the most because Snickers doesn't give him as much time of day so he plays hard to get.

We are now starting to watch tv. One point for mommy! Too bad he only gets to watch it at 7:30-8:830 while I try to drink a half cup of coffee out of his site. 

He loves Simon, and Simon loves him.

He also loves Simons tags.

I made the tag blanket :)

Clean up your toys Logan!

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