Thursday, September 13, 2012

13m chart, late but eh...

Logan turned 13 months 9 days ago. I forgot. When people asked his age, i would say almost 1! or 1! or just turned1! and then all of a sudden, I said "He just turned one! last month..." oops. So I guess 1 is over and done and now we are onto 13 months. So.. what can he do?

Mastered skills that most can do:
use two words skillfully ("hi" "bye")- he say "UH" which is up but thats about it. He babbles all day but no real words
bends over and pick up objects- oh yes

emerging skills that half can do:
enjoys gazing at his reflection- oh gosh, ha ha. Logan LOVES dancing with his reflection in the fireplace glass. He waves to himself in the car.
holds out arm or leg to help you dress him- yes, but he has always pushed his arms out of his sleeves or pulled them out, like 7 or 8months or so

advanced skills that some can do:
combine words or gestures to make needs known- yesterday he said "Daadee UH"
rolls a ball back and forth- hes been doing that since before summer... my mom has been doing that with him since he could sit.

1 comment:

sarahbjolley said...

Hey I wanted to reply to the sweet comment you left on my blog a little while ago, but you're a "no reply comment" blogger, so I couldn't. But I wanted to say thank you so much for your comment, you've really helped me make a daily effort to stop worrying and enjoy the miracle that is pregnancy. Us infertile women have deserved the chance to enjoy pregnancy and your comment was the nudge I needed to really start making that happen for me. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks!