I dont do crafty stuff that is so amazing I need to post about it (maybe Logans stocking will get a post if I finish it) and I dont bake or cook (those candy corn cookies were AMAZING and did get a post) so I have nothing of real interest to anyone who is not family. Family, see my Logan pics on facebook once in a blue moon and im sure they all assume he is doing 15m old baby/toddler stuff. My decorative skills are non existant (Matt went to the mall by HIMSELF to buy decorations for the bathroom and dinning room. The mall! Himself!!).
I could tell the world what we do all day.
Wake up, let Logan play while we drink coffee and let one parent sleep in. Make breakfast. Run an errand or Logan naps. Run an errand after nap or not at all. Dinner. play. Bed.
Same thing but Matts not home so both parents get up. Except usually Matt gets up while I sleep a bit... Hes amazingly awesome at being a dad and husband.
Logan is still a bit young to take to events around here and he is still teething (he only has 6) so he still chews a lot of stuff. Library time is good because Logan has played all morning and is ready to sit and listen. But crafty events or kids museums are still a bit hard when he doesnt understand their fun yet.
But Logan is soooooo silly. He laughs and laughs and laughs. He growls... and laughs! Even when I put on my "im not happy face" and say "LOGAN MATTHEW BARD, NO SIR!" he just laughs. Or starts talking back. Or throws a really small tantrum that lands his head into a wall. It usually ends the tantrum because he looks at the wall "uh... how did you... uh.. get there?" and I laugh so he laughs.... oops. But hes soooo silly. He wants you to laugh and he wants you to make him laugh. I tickle his belly and he eats it up. Giggles galore. "Tickle tickle tickle"! I dont even have to tickle him, just say the words, and he giggles. Now he tickles himself! "Digal digal digal" he says. Everything he does is sooooo cute. But he does everything with a smile, or a giggle.
Logans tantrums so far are a bit sad and pathetic. He just turns and runs when you say no. Usually not looking where hes going but he doesnt usually go far. He stops and gives up. He knows the words "no" but we are not sure that he knows what it means. We tell Logan "NO" to splashing in the dogs water dish (when we forget to move it). Logan starts splashing harder and faster because he knows we are taking it away. So does "NO" mean hurry up im taking that away, or does it mean stop? But he told Snickers "NO" when he was drinking from his own dish... so... Yeah. He knows when we say "no" that we dont want him doing what hes doing. I can say it just fine. Matt can say it too. Grandparents for some reason think they are exempt from having to use this word with grand kids.
Bedtime sucks. He goes to bed just fine (with Matt putting him down). He naps just fine (when i put him down) and his naps have been 3+ hours lately. Hes been waking up earlier and earlier since daylight savings time. I figured our 7:30 mornings, would be 6:30 mornings. Hes been up around 5:30 lately. URG. i think thats why we get a long nap but Im not too happy with it.
Usually I vacuum while Logan is not home or outside with Matt. Today I vacuumed while Logan watched. Hes never been afraid of the vacuum but I dont usually need to vacuum with him around. He was yelling at the vacuum and talking back to him. Then he went to get Matt and grabbed Matts pant leg and tried getting Matt to see what I was doing. "Mommy is actually cleaning dad!" thanks kid. Then he laid down where I was vacuuming and made me vac around him.
Last week, we went to a friends housewarming party. Logan went up to people he didnt know and loved on them, Random people held him and got hugs. I think he enjoyed it because people gave him lots of food. He at a lot of cheese and crackers that night.
Logan is starting to put blocks together and he loves to throw "BAAAs" balls. He LOVES to run. He runs all over the house, chasing the dogs and squealing really loud. He loves his dogs and cats and they all get many hugs a day. Logan LOVES his dad. I am second to dad and have always been. Im okay with that, they are so fun to watch when they interact.
I love him. He makes for a good kid.
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