When we were ready to get pregnant with baby 2, I called 3 months in advance. We went to an appointment a month later and brought Logan. We put in an order for a girl and one that did not loom identical to its father.I had my instructions on protocol. We had a frozen embryo so this was a quick few appointments before and a few during but not to the extent of a full IVF round. I had a nurse call me and ask me when I was planning to do the transfer and informed me that the lab is shut down then. I could do it in 3 weeks or wait 2 months. I went ahead and did for sooner, a month sooner than planned. Cause I Loved being due in the summer. More so, I didnt have the heart to tell Matt we had to wait longer. Logan was being watched by my friend while we went to our transfer. Its a simple trip to hospital at a specified time. They wheel you in, plop the embryo where it needs to be and have you hang out for a bit. Resume life as normal. That was late morning. The embro was placed at 6 days past ovulation so it should have attached right away. And 12 hours after it was in, I had pinching and light cramps on my right side. I just knew it had worked. I had these on and off for 4 days and then it went away. But it was enough. I was so excited. I kept wanting to buy a big brother shirt for logan but I waited to hear my HCG numbers. I was supposed to test on Sunday but waited till Monday due to a family girls trip to NYC. I was actually not feeling good that weekend but it was pregnant related. I refuses to test. I had 2 cousins aware of what was going on. They decided to come to my house on monday and be there for the phone call. And they were. I got the call and I was pregnant. I wasnt surprised but I still of course had the shock of reality. That night, Matt and I went to the mall and bought Logans big brother shirt. We had him wear that to my in laws a few days later, and then to my moms. It was early December and slightly sooner than we said we planned to do it so I think we surprised a few people. I had the bleeding again that I did with Logan that immediately made me think I was losing it. But all was fine. I didnt get sick until a few weeks later than I did with Logan but I was again on Zofran and actually was sick until I was about 19 weeks. Things were normal and uneventful. Until we found out about her cleft lip (dr said no palate involvement but we learned that was not true 2 weeks later). That threw us for a loop but Ill post about that separately. Things were normal other than her clefts. We went about the rest of the pregnancy with no issues. I was just starting to be measured for a small baby when she decided she wanted out.
Embryo the day it was placed
Logans going to be a big bro!
7 weeks with a heartbeat.
3 days before my water broke
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