Friday, July 29, 2011

I can't complain if everything is perfect

Baby looks great. Fluid level looks great. My blood pressure is great. My pee looks great. I look and feel (pregnant) great. So what happens next? Nothing!
So the doc asked if I wanted to be checked anyway even though at this point it means nothing. I was already undressed and so I asked for a sweep since I got one last week. Doc said "I can do it, but the risk is accidently breaking your water" ::crickets:: I said "I won't tell anyone if you do break it!" I got my sweep. I said "maybe paring it with some good storms today and walking will do the trick!" I'm too crampy to think about walking. An kid is moving so much in gettin nauseas again. But anyway, doc said babys head is RIGHT THERE and I am still fully efface and thinned and a good 2-3cm still. It could be a quick labor once it happens. Uh huh. Didn't want to schedule an induction because dr was pretty sure I would go on my own sometime soon. Sure. I was told to schedule an appointment for Wednesday and then we can plan an induction or next Thursday or Friday. But dr doubts I'll make it that far. And for the 3rd week in a row and a 3rd dr saying it "I wouldnt be surprised If you come in this weekend". Uh huh.
I also didn't appreciate the smirk on baby bards face at the ultrasound. I will get this child back someday.

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