Matts prediction was off. Last week is over and im still pregnant. This kid has run out of room but I dont feel bad, it could come out if it wanted too. Maybe the beagle barks and cat hisses are keeping it in? Either way, I would like to be done. Please and thanks.
The cats are actually tolerating each other just fine for now. We can leave them out together and Im not scared of Olly killing Moxie. Only problem is, Moxie can not yet go into the basement. We dont want to teach her to use the cat door yet because we dont want to lose her down there. So Olly has food in the basement but he has also taken to eating the kitten food from Moxies bowl.
Snickers has started hording his dog bones. He used to chew them up right away and all would be good in his world. Lately, we give him and Simon the same size bone and Simon is done with his before Snickers even tries with his. He hordes them under the table, side of the bed and even put it in the bedroom closet and guarded it. He spent nights not coming to bed so he could protect his bone. The 2lb kitten may take it on him! Something about a 5 year old dog creating new habits has me wondering if this has to do with baby. Snickers seems to be the most odd lately with the impending child. He can tell something is going on but he cant tell what it is. Poor guy. Once he learns next year that this child spills food all over and he will be needed to clean it up, im sure he will cheer up!
And then we have Simon. The fearless ::cough cough:: golden. Someting about a 55lb dog retreating to a little girls plastic play house for a few hours at a crowded outdoor party is funny. He wanted nothing more than to chill in the plastic house. He may have been tired from his first swim. Matt took him to the river yesterday and brought him into a deep spot that he was forced to swim in. I did not go but Matt claims they had a good bonding experience and Simon had fun. Wet goldens stink! After the birthday party yesterday, Matt and Tom took their dogs to the lake in huntington. Simon swam again and I guess had a good time and Poncho swam for the first time too. All the boys had fun and came home tired. Simon and Matt are sore and tired from their fun yesterday. Why didnt Snickers go? He cant be bothered by water. We did let him play at grandmas all day so he got he got tired out with what he likes to do.
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