Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hes trying so hard

    Logan wants to sit, but he cant. Logan wants to stand, but he cant. Logan wants to hold things, but he really cant very well. Logan wants to talk, but he isnt very good. What he is good at, is trying really hard to do the things he cant.
    Logan can stand, just not on his own. He calms down the moment his feet touch the ground. We barely have to hold him. I have leaned him up against the couch and he held that position for a good amount of seconds. 
    This is the first day I put together his jumperoo. He only needs a small one inch high box under it now because he knows how to use it and jump. He loves to be in it because he loves to use his legs and feet and be upright. He doesnt know how to play with anything on it yet but we give him his teethers and hes happy.

 Speaking of teethers, Im not sure he knows that Sophie is a teether. I think he might be practicing his kissing skills instead. He loves that Sophie so much, we got the smaller easier to hold version that I saw my neice maneuvering so well. He is not quite ready to hold things and grasp them on his own but he can manipulate them a little bit in his care. He can turn them slightly and he can grab things long enough to bring them to his mouth but he also doesnt know to let go and they fling to the floor as soon as he gets excited that he brought it to his face. Every day he gets a bit better.

 My boys.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I have no idea what it is they put in those giraffes but it is like baby crack. They cannot get enough.