Thursday, November 3, 2011

Logans first Halloween

Has been postponed until Monday 11/7. How the heck does a "holiday" get postponed? A freak October snowpocalypse. 8+inches of wet snow on trees that have yet to shed their leaves because it is still fall, leads to lots and lots (and lots and lots and lots...) of branches, trees, electric lines and their respective poles all lying on the ground, houses and cars. That also leads to schools and businesses closed for a full weak before Fall is half over.
On Saturday, Matt and I lost power at 3ish. In the silence, we could hear the branches cracking and see them falling. Some branches were huge and they were very close to the house. The joined the willow tree that is still down from the hurricane. I knew I couldnt stay home with the boy so we packed up and went to my moms house. They had power still but had a generator handy and hooked up already. 7:30 and at the dinner table, power was now out at my moms. I made Matt go get the dogs from our basement and bring them to his parents (who had no power also but had a wood burning stove). Matt discovered a branch on our house that dented our gutter and blocked the back door. He was supposed to swap cars and take his cause mine had no gas left. It had about 45 miles when he left my moms. He couldn't swap cars because he forgot his keys. He went to his moms house but had to make a few detours because of downed wires and branches. He dropped the dogs off and made his way to a gas station. No gas stations had power. He made it back to my moms. Sunday morning, he went home to get his car and check out the damage. Tons more branches down, a few trees, a huge willow (damn thing wont go away on its own!) lots and lots of leaves, wires on Matts car and on the driveway, and a broken electric pole (its on our property) with wires down in the road. He couldnt take his car because it was covered in wires. Bryan (moms bf) had to bring Matt gas and then the 2 boys went in search of gas. They found it a few towns over. Gas lines were a long wait and fast food lines were just as long. Looks like power is out everywhere. They got gas and came back. Matt brought the Cats to my moms and went back to my house to clean things up along with his friend who joined him. I went to the house and packed more clothes and baby bath supplies. Just in time since we had a major blow out that was bath worthy. Tuesday, Matt went to work and I lounged around and went to the grocery store with my mom. Wednesday, I helped a friend do a bit of moving and got more things from my house. I did laundry at a friends house also. Thursday, today, my mom and I went shopping. I am ready to go home!

Our accommodations in my moms basement. We had the pack n play set up but Logan was not a fan of sleeping in it with the high wall. We put the mattress on the floor next to me and he has been sleeping fine.

 Matt and the cats in the basement.

 our yard

 matts car with wires on it

At home, I have 6 room doors and 2 closet doors to paint. I need to paint the bathroom also. Matt needs to clean the yard asap. We need our house ready to go on the market asap. I might have some news sometime soon!


Leah said...

"I might have some news sometime soon!"


KBard said...

New house :)