Tuesday, September 24, 2013


      Emelia was taken to a different hospital to be in their NICU. We didnt anticipate the NICU since our hospital was comfortable with the cleft lip and palate but they felt with all the combined issues, she would be best under more specialized care. She had slight respiratory issues and was having trouble exerting energy because of her small size so she was not eating. Im not really sure of all the reasons because I was not exactly coherent from all that had just happened. I could not go with her because insurance had to approve my transfer (later found out it would have been around 5k to go without insurance consent) and it was sumday so it was not happening. After Baystate came for her, I was alone in a room. Matt left to visit her and go home so I could sleep. I didnt want to listen to him on an uncomfortable couch all night. It was a bit odd to have a daughter and yet, she was off somewhere else and I didnt really get to meet her. While in the NICU, they had her monitored, under lights, and she had a feeding tube in.
     All day monday, staff kept coming in to tell me they have tried every 30 mins to get in touch with insurance. Finally around 3, I was told I was approved. At 6, they came for me and Matt waved as they sent me on a stretcher (even though I could walk, I had to be transported by stretcher). As I arrived at the hospital, My mom was sitting waiting for me! She drove a few hours from their vacation to come say "hi". We went in, found my room, and raced to the NICU to see Emelia. My mom got to meet her and I got to see her a bit better. She was under lights for slight jaundice but I dont think the jaundice was ever a big concern. I settled into my new room, and quickly missed the other hospital. There was a reason I delivered at the hospital I did. 
   I went home home Wednesday morning, same day Emelia was released from the NICU and went into the CCN. It was odd with no kids at home since Logan was on vacation. Emelia still had the feeding tube but they were starting to try forcing the bottle. Its not that she didnt take the bottle (I could even do it at that point), it was because she would use a lot of energy to eat. She was loosing weight and they wanted her to use very little energy so as soon as she acted done eating, they put the rest down the tube. 
  The rest of her stay was spent trying to get her to take full feeds and gain weight. We visited twice a day most days and at least once on a few occasions. When Logan met her, it was as if he instantly knew she was his sister. He seemed to understand that she was ours and he did kiss her on the first visit. He did much much better than we imagined. We couldnt visit long with him since he is only 2, but I think visiting her helped him understand that he had a sister.
  Eventually, Emelia pulled out her tube and they left it out. We were given a go home date. The morning we were to pick her up, they called and said she had a brady, her heart rate got too low. She was in for 4 more days. We went to cpr and monitor training on a monday to take her home on tuesday. Except when we got there Monday, they said she was coming home with us! First night home was awesome. Logan was amazing and kept giving her unprompted kisses. The next morning, he woke up and wanted to see "sister".