Monday, January 20, 2014

Logans first time bowling, october

We tried big balls first. They had a handicap ramp to use and Logan had a blast. 

We tried small balls and that sucked. He could get the balls moving so it was a lot of gutter shots. The owner lady kept coming over to me to talk about Emelia (who was crying and not enjoying her time). She would ask about her cleft and then tell me how she was a nurse in the emergency room for many years. She would walk away and come back to have the conversation all over again. She was sweet but Logans melt down was good timing and we finally left. Little balls will not happen again for a while because hes not ready.

Fun day in October

We went to a Touch A Truck event. They also had friendly's ice cream cups so it was an awesome morning.
They had emergency vehicles, a PVTA bus, a few different types of cars, and the equipment trucks. It was neat!

There was also this train contraption that was really cool/

Emelia had a blast!

Then we went to a farm for some home made ice cream (Ill go anywhere for ice cream), pumpkin picking and maze cruising. We let Logan lead us in the maze but when we actually tried to leave, it was not easy. The maze was shaped like an ice cream cone :P

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Emelia's first 3 months

These are pre surgery pictures from 2weeks -3 months old.

This is a preemie outfit on my teeny child.

Emelia in the hospital

I did not share pictures of Emelias cleft lip and palate before she had her lip repair. Now I have things to share. It was hard posting on my blog without including pictures of my beautiful little lady. I felt bad posting about my son if i couldnt do the same to my daughter. And the more I got behind, the more behind I got... make sense? So to catch up, here are pictures of Emelias first few weeks.

This was how I saw my daughter for the first time. Matt was face timing me from the nursery shortly after i got to my room after the c section

Holding Emelia as they were about to transport her to a different hospital.

From our NICU/CCU stay

About to go home!

Emelia. From the start.

It has been a long and busy year. I need to play catch up. so here goes!

When we were ready to get pregnant with baby 2, I called 3 months in advance. We went to an appointment a month later and brought Logan. We put in an order for a girl and one that did not loom identical to its father.I had my instructions on protocol. We had a frozen embryo so this was a quick few appointments before and a few during but not to the extent of a full IVF round. I had a nurse call me and ask me when I was planning to do the transfer and informed me that the lab is shut down then. I could do it in 3 weeks or wait 2 months. I went ahead and did for sooner, a month sooner than planned. Cause I Loved being due in the summer. More so, I didnt have the heart to tell Matt we had to wait longer. Logan was being watched by my friend while we went to our transfer. Its a simple trip to hospital at a specified time. They wheel you in, plop the embryo where it needs to be and have you hang out for a bit. Resume life as normal. That was late morning. The embro was placed at 6 days past ovulation so it should have attached right away. And 12 hours after it was in, I had pinching and light cramps on my right side. I just knew it had worked. I had these on and off for 4 days and then it went away. But it was enough. I was so excited. I kept wanting to buy a big brother shirt for logan but I waited to hear my HCG numbers. I was supposed to test on Sunday but waited till Monday due to a family girls trip to NYC. I was actually not feeling good that weekend but it was pregnant related. I refuses to test. I had 2 cousins aware of what was going on. They decided to come to my house on monday and be there for the phone call. And they were. I got the call and I was pregnant. I wasnt surprised but I still of course had the shock of reality. That night, Matt and I went to the mall and bought Logans big brother shirt. We had him wear that to my in laws a few days later, and then to my moms. It was early December and slightly sooner than we said we planned to do it so I think we surprised a few people. I had the bleeding again that I did with Logan that immediately made me think I was losing it. But all was fine. I didnt get sick until a few weeks later than I did with Logan but I was again on Zofran and actually was sick until I was about 19 weeks. Things were normal and uneventful. Until we found out about her cleft lip (dr said no palate involvement but we learned that was not true 2 weeks later). That threw us for a loop but Ill post about that separately. Things were normal other than her clefts. We went about the rest of the pregnancy with no issues. I was just starting to be measured for a small baby when she decided she wanted out. 
Embryo the day it was placed

Logans going to be a big bro!

7 weeks with a heartbeat.

3 days before my water broke