Thursday, March 31, 2011

23 weeks!

I have heartburn that is curable with tums. No complaining there. My belly doesnt seem to grow but the scale seems to keep going up. The child kicks once in a while but it seems to flop a lot. I get some pokes and jabs but its usually a good thud. It really doesnt usually feel to good either.
We had a heart ultrasound last week just because it was recomended or required because we did IVF. We werent worried since our other ultrasound looked fine. And of course, baby bard is just fine! The lady even let us play with the baby and get some 3d pics. She proceded to find out the gender because she anted to know yet we still have no clue. I dont even have a guess, nor do I have a preferance.
Everything is just boring right now. Im still working, more now than before. Im not allowed to buy anything else till after my shower. Im about to start painting the room soon.
This is too easy right now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I guess baby listens to daddy!

Matt and I registered and then he treated me to some Mexican! Mmm. Came home and matt wanted to feel his baby like this morning. After a bit of nothing, he asked baby nicely to say hi. Well that did the trick! While I have felt the occasional flutter and pokes, tonights was new! I was getting kicked hard! We must have spent 30 mins just feeling baby kick and wiggle. First for matt yes, but some firsts for me too! So so cool!

Big things today!

At 7 this morning, Matt and I had our usual conversations as he gets ready for work. I made a comment about not feeling baby yesterday as we already knew it wasnt in an active mood. But then baby decided to kick me. So, Matt was saying bye to me and I figured we could try again and see what he could feel. We have tried before and I know he has felt it but he didnt really know if he did since my pulse is also really strong right there. But today, he got a good swift kick to the hand. That was one of the strongest kicks I have had yet so, someone wanted to say hi. Or get away.

And we are going to register tonight! I wanted to wait till we saw the ultrasound and make sure everything was fine. I knew we wouldnt find out the gender but I wanted to see who we were picking things out for. And now that I know baby has some fine acrobatic moves, we need a good baby gym! With those long and skinny legs, we may have a runner on our hands just like daddy was. As long as baby bard isnt always as lazy as yesterday and gets off the couch on occasion, ill be happy.

We picked out our bedding and will be buying that very soon. The room is going to be cleaned out soon and then I can tape and put plastic on the floor. I am just priming the trim and walls. The walls will get a million coats of trim since the people before painted it an ugly blue. Over an orange or pink color, or both. With a good size closet, and 4 windows, theres a lot of trim. We also need to paint the closet, it has been primed, and paint the closet door. I want Matt to switch the door around into the room also. It opens to the right which is going to be the play area. I want it to open to the left so it opens into the part of the room we need more. It makes sence to me.

And Matt is getting ready to take on our bathroom. We have one bathroom and im hoping I can convince him to renovate the week im gone so I dont have to worry about peeing every 5 mins. The whole thing will be gutted. The walls and ceiling will be coming out. The closet is going to be remade due to the walls being rotted and the tubs all being longer than our current one. New tile floor, new toilet and sink, new mirror of some sort and fixtured and wall stuff and cabnets. We also are going to add a real heater and vent! We have a vent but the heater is a red heat lamp that sucks.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lazy baby!

21 weeks! In 2 days but, you get it now.

Baby Bard is chillaxing away. I dont feel him her much or anywhere other than the very left side. I figured I knew why and it was confirmed today. I do have an anterior placenta that is place more at the top to the right. So, makes sense as to why I never feel it there. My only complaint for now is heartburn. It sucks. But I guess thats okay since nothing else bothers me right now!

We had out ultrasound today! Baby is perfect for 21 weeks. 14oz and the heartrate was 149. Heartrate probable had to do with the fact that the little bugger was not moving for us. It moved its leg all over, bending its knees and even putting its feet over its head!

Baby just chilled in its back the whole time. They needed some measurments of its back and kidneys but it wasnt happening. They had me pee real quick and try some more but it was not happening. I even drank a cup of coffee before my appointment. I was scared it would be moving too much! Lazy baby! after shaking and poking it, the tech gave up and told me i'd be coming back for more.Then she told me my cervix was short so we had to check that too but all was more than good.
My doctor appointment was right after and we were told everything looked fine and normal and nothing alarming. But I do have to get a fetal echocardiogram because IVF babies have a 2% increase chance of heart defects. Everything looked great today but I still have to go as part of the IVF process. Thats in 2 weeks. And then in 4 weeks, I come back for my ultrasound, appointment, and glucose test!

Friday, March 11, 2011

20 weeks!

Halfway there! Hopefully no more than that and I'd rather not go tooooo much less. Im not having any cravings at all besides my 2 week salsa kick. My only aversion was egg nog and nothing else bothers me. The second trimester has been really easy and awesome. No nausea, I have enough enegery that my house is cleaner than EVER, good sleep beside the 1-4 trips to the potty a night, and I just feel good. I do get killer heartburn that at times feels like fire and some meals dont go down very fast but I'm not going to complain if thats my biggist issue. Im just starting to limit my pants and im wearing my maternity jeans when I just dont feel like dealing my buttons. Shirts are okay but the tighter ones look stretched so I have a few shirts I cant wear anymore. I have a whole drawer full of maternity t-shirts and tanks but Im hoping to go without having to buy long sleeves. I have a bathing suit and shorts and am ready for nicer weather! I even had to go up a size in undies cause those were uncomfortable before my jeans even were! And bras.... ha ha   subject of its own.
We have picked a name for each gender and I LOVE them. But of course, that is subject to change because I do want to see the little thing before I can really give it a title. We have picked out our crib set and the possible bedding set. We have lots of stuff for baby but need sooooo much more still. We will be registering sometime in the next week or 2. We want to see baby again
Ultrasound next Tuesaday morning!!!!! Im so excited. After seeing the baby at 5,6, and 8 weeks, I want to see what it looks like at 20 weeks! Im so scared that we will accedently find out the sex, but thats the least of my issues. I also want to know if I have an anteria placenta because I dont feel the baby very often. I feel a kick here and there but not much at all. We shall see! My motto has been not to worry and go with the flow. Kind of hard at the begining with all we went through but I need to stay positive cause its so damn awesome to finally be pregnant!