Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He's cheaper than a girl!

The moment I was sliced open on a table hearing "Its a boy!" I thought, he will be cheaper than a girl. Ha ha ha ha... Rookie mistake? I was packing up the newborn stuff last month, and some 0-3 stuff the other day, and both times remember thinking that another boy wouldnt be so bad cause I have all this cute stuff I could use again! I have more than enough outfits for him in 3-6 and keep trying to put them on but I have some 0-3 that he can wear and I need him to wear those before they get too much smaller. I can get 0-3 on if he wears a disposable diaper but I dont do so often anymore. His 0-3 sleepers are too small and I bought plenty (too many) sleepers in 3-6 since thats what he needed most. The legs are a bit too long and hes feet dont go into the feet spots but he doesnt fit in smaller ones. I also have so many sleepers that I get excited when he needs to be changed cause that means I get to see another cute thing on him! Right now hes wearing a new dino fleece sleeper that I got at costco. 8 or 9 bucks for a 13 dollar sleeper! I may buy him clothes every time I go to costcos. I have a problem. I dont have more than I need but I have too much. Ooops. Lets not talk about all the gender neutral stuff I have, that he does wear. We can talk about socks thought! I have a huge bin of socks and I hate all of them. Almost everytime I go shopping, I look at socks. Do they make any that stay on baby feet? We lost a sock tonight somewhere in the house and my whole house is clean and we cant find it. My little boy does not have enough books or toys though. Im waiting for xmas and such to get him more stuff. He doesnt do much still so he doesnt need anything. Tomorrow though, I need to look at teethers. I have a few but he needs something easier to get into his mouth. He loves to gum on his paci.
Speaking of Costco! I want these 2 things! I dont want him to grow up but its going to be so fun.

We can also talk about my diaper problem. Im still learning what I like. I have tons of flats, many different inserts, many night time stuffers but I dont have enough covers. Im not an AIO (all in one) fan. I like the covers because I like not washing a whole diaper everytime he pees. Just change out the inside unless he he poops. It also means that he keeps the cute print on even longer if he can wear it longer. Cute print? Yes... way too cute not to have bought tonight as soon as I found out it had been stocked.

How could I resist letting my son poop in that?!?! I cant wait till my mailman drops it off!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I can do it!

My tag blanket. I have material and tags cut out to make 4 more for other people and I have more material to make a bunch more. Good, cheap gifts :P

My first square. It is missing a third crochet in the center row but thats okay :)

I think I can!

I have crocheted 8 (not so perfect) small granny squares to make Logan (cause he HAS to love what momma makes) a small (small attention span wont allow me to make a big one) blanket. I have many more squares to go and If it was in a room of blankets you would surely know it was someones first blanket ever made. But! I might be able to figure out this crochet thing after all. I also have a dinning room table full of cut out pieces of stuff to sew together when I get a chance. How many projects do I have going at once? 1,2,3,4,...5... oh and Im painting Logans bookshelves. Lucky for me, Matt let me buy new closet doors for his room cause the old ones were too nasty and dirty (previous owners) to clean and paint white. Matt also put up ALL (yes he finished a project! Even though I had no bathroom door for a week because he was too lazy to run to home depot for one small bracket) the doors in the hallway I need to paint. I need to clean the basement and get it packed up so when we move, it is ready. Move?!? Oh yes! We are trying to get our house sellable or rentable so that when we buy a new one, we can dump ours on someone else. Buy a new one?!?!  No rush to buy and we are looking for the perfect last house. So I might have a lot to do between now and anyday but, Im enjoying my cuddle time also. Playing with Logan and seeing him smile is my number one task, beside feed him when he demands it. On that note, I have a few squares to crochet to meet my daily quota. I also have baby announcements to fill envelopes out for and mail... maybe tomorrow?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

2 Months

2 month milestones

Mastered skills (most kids can do)
   Vocalizes: Gurgles and coos :  Oh yes! He loves to talk and gets frustrated when your not actually listening when hes talking to you. He talks to his zebra on his swing, the butterflys on his play gym and the monkey on his bouncy swing. He coos and makes loud shrieks with his smiles. He gurgles on a regular basis, especially when getting a diaper change.
Follows objects across field of vision: He can and does but not often yet
Notices his hands: He knows how to get his hands to his mouth and can try to put his paci back in.
Hold head up for short periods: yes

Emerging skills (half of kids can do)
Smiles and laughs: oh yes. He smiles a lot when hes awake. He has laughed a few times
Holds head at 45 degree angle: eh, for a short period of time
Makes smoother movements: He is getting more fluid for sure

Advanced skills (a few kids can do)
Holds head steady: When hes wide awake, he can hold his head up very well
Can bear weight on legs: Oh yes, very well. 
Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy: Head, yes. Shoulders, not even close.

Monday, October 3, 2011

too much free time

I have way to much free time that I dont use wisely.
Tomorrow, my son will be 2 months old. Our routines are roughly set in place and many loose ends have been ties up. Most of the house is finally cleaned and organized   to a point where it is manageable and has no reason to get out of hand with me not working. Our day starts at 7:20am. I feed the boy once (sometimes twice if he went to bed really early) in the middle of the night and then get to sleep till 7 when Matt gets up. Sometimes boy is up at 6 but thats not too often. Matt feeds dogs, takes them outside and makes coffee. I change boys diaper, make matts lunch and send him to work. I feed boy, drink my coffee and eat breakfast. By then its 9 and im now wasting time. I watch my morning tv shows but all I can accomplish in that time is usually a few loads of laundry in between commercials and dishes if I didnt do them the night before. I cant be filling my time with shopping because I have nothing I need to buy and way to little willpower not to swipe my credit card at anything I like. Logan usually naps in the later morning (like now) and again in the afternoon. Hes asleep or winding down by 8 and out of the night officially by 10 or 11 at the latest. He was never forced into a routine but created a very easy to fallow one that includes sleeping 6 -7 hour stretches at night. He plays by himself long enough to allow me to get things done. I can put him on his play gym while I put laundry away and pick up the bedrooms. He plays in his bouncy seat long enough to allow me to shower and get ready for the day. He naps long enough for me to accomplish bigger tasks. 2 months down and this child is a dream. But now I need hobbies. Now that im at a point where I have too much free time, I need stuff to do.
What are my choices?
I can sew! But I cant sew.... I sewed my cloth wipes and I think they are good enough to wipe poop off a butt. They are not good enough to brag about and they are not even close to being good enough to want to give someones and be proud of. I could keep practicing but how many double sided squares does one butt need? If I could sew a straight line, I wouldn't be afraid to try new things. Im afraid of wasting money on fabric to sew crappy things with but I also dont want to have ugly things if I like how they come out. Im going to attempt some tag blankets next since those are squares and squares are my (not very good) specialty. I need to keep practicing.
Things with yarn. My mother in law tried and failed to teach me how to crochet. I made a few bookmarks but I cant get much farther than that. I make my loops too tight and end up having to quit because I cant get the hook into the thing anymore. If I had a longer attention span, maybe I could slow my pace and actually try again. I taught myself how to knit from youtube videos and google. I have knitted 2 lines. Seeing Tori make things with ease and knowing my little (not so little anymore) cousin can do it, makes me feel pathetic. Im going to need to try again. I could use some more bookmarks.
I can't wait till Logan is 6 months old and we can go to the gym and pool. Ill be able to make his food and start getting creative with foods and such. Until then, I need to find a hobby that works for me and shows off my skills. I first need to find my skills....