Sunday, May 26, 2013

Our first visit with Boston Childrens Hospital

   With out cleft lip and possible cleft palate diagnoses, we were able to get an appointment with Boston Childrens Hospital. We had an almost 2 hour ultrasound appointment (uncooperative baby) and then an MRI. Before meeting the dr, I was brought back in for another ultrasound because the MRI showed my cervix was short. Sure enough, I have a shortening cervix. Guess we will see what my ob says. I also have a small baby which we knew and I have an ultrasound already this week for it. Met with the dr and he was nice but we didnt learn anything new other than the palate was confirmed. We go back when baby is born. I have no pictures but the baby looked very cute and yet not like Logan. No one slipped and told us the gender so we still have no clue on that. :P

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Chuck E Cheese

We went to Aj's 6th Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Logans loved playing with the "Baahhllls"  He kept throwing them overhand but, eh. 

He was so afraid of this thing.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Child labor

Matt and Logan are building a shed this spring. What better way to bond with your almost 2 year old than power tools, wood, and outdoors?

Logan actually handed him the nails for the ramp, one by one.

stopping to chit chat

And a sit down break to mow the lawn

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

April in pictures

Bruins fan!

bathtime is fun time

Logan and I had a morning date at DD. 

He has a major love for hot dogs

Daddys birthday breakfast. Daddy took his birthday off for our ultrasound so we had a fun morning.

Logan and Travis, good friends.

mmmm. My kid loves ice cream too 

Yogurt and Mickey Mouse

He was playing with a lady bug

Outlet shopping led to a dinner break.

no shirt!

bag head

He pokes my belly button and says "beep"

love him!

we get a banana as soon as we go into the grocery store now

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Uneventful was the wrong word to use

     How is pregnancy number 2 going? Oh ya know, uneventful.

     Until I didnt stop puking till 20 weeks and took way more zofran this time than last. And until the say just a cleft lip but the palate looked fine on ultrasound. And then until they saw the cleft lip and cleft palate on ultrasound. Uneventful was a stupid word to jinx myself with.

     Hows it going now? I cant complain :/ It really is fine for the time being.

     We have an appointment with Boston Childrens Hospital in a few weeks. 8:30am, 2 hours away. I suggested sleeping somewhere closer to Bostin ::caugh caugh:: Lois's house but Matt seems fine with leaving the house at 6am. Logan will sleep over someones house the night before and enjoy the day with someone. Not sure who that someone is as I actually have too many offers from people willing to watch and take care my son. Not a problem I am complaining about. They will do an ultrasound at 8:30, an MRI at 10ish and then I will meet with the dr at 1ish. Long day. Lots of people to see and lots of people to meet. Get a tour and learn the ropes. Get answers to some questions.

   I can have my baby at the same hospital that I had Logan and they have special bottles and the ability to deal with anything we may face. We may not need special bottles. Bottles suck. Washing bottles suck. Pumping sucks. Ill be pumping as much as humanly possible for this amazing kid but washing pump parts suck. I have officially mourned the fact that I will not breast feed this child and that stinks :(

   I have many questions but most can not be answered until we get a more in dept look or baby is born. One thing I do know, is I already see my baby as perfect. Just as perfect as Logan and just as perfect as the potential next kid (oh goodness I am done at 2. Mark my word. Dont tell Matt). My child will be a beautiful work of art created by me and Matt and a few drs in a lab somewhere.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Logan 21 months

Mastered skills most can do:
Can walk upstairs- oh yes. If there are stairs, he will find them.
Enjoys helping around the house- he feeds the dogs their 2 meals a day
Can set simple goals (e.g. deciding to put a toy in a certain place- uh... no clue.

Emerging skills some can do:
Can throw a ball overarm- yes. he throws lots of different things overhand
Can kick a ball- yes.
can make building brick towers- yes, loves using his big blocks

Advanced skills few can do:
Can name cat of dog when you show a picture- Usually. he can always find a picture of mickey though
Can make shirt sentences (me go) - he doesnt have many works but he puts a few together here and there
Can walk downstairs- oh yes. And he tries unassisted and usually can. He does a good job knowing when to grab your hand though.