Thursday, January 15, 2009

We got our approval last wednessday after the bank had closed. I like our originator! She faxed Matt a copy of everything we needed and the next day, Matt spent it on the phone with the lawyer. There were a few things to be hashed out because of our loan being an FHA. So, we can not take their credit for the electrical box update, and they have to do it themselves. Even with the credit we would have gotten, it would have still cost us at least one thousand bucks, if not more. Thats kinda cool. And our lawyers had some details to hash out before we could get out purchase and sale papers signed. Matt made an appointment with the inspector for monday morning. The inspection went good and nothing unexpected came up. Just the usual things with an older ranch house. Nothing big, and nothing that needs major work. We got our purchase and sale papers and signed them all on monday night. They went to their respective places and now Matt and I need to go to the bank and set up our mortgage. We will be doing that next tuesday. then we wait for the appraisal and the closing date. Its a long tiring process and hopefully we only do this once.

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