Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Suck. But thats no unknown secret, no one hides the fact that they hurt. Last night was a new one. I have been having braxton hicks for weeks. They started at 32 weeks where I would only notice them if i felt my belly when it felt "off" and I could feel how hard it was. Then they progressed to me feeling them without having to touch. Then they started to get slightly painful but nothing that really hurt. Then they started reaching the back and it still didnt hurt but it wasnt pleasant. Last night, I laid in bed for almost a solid hour just wishing to fall asleep so I could ignore them. I was rubbing my own back and breathing really hard. I would have cried but I didnt want to go to sleep with a head ache. I knew they meant nothing as they were too close together and made no sense. I tried to fall alseep and I eventually did. When I woke up, Matt commented that I did not look very rested for how much sleep I should have gotten. Thanks dear.
But I need to get my self in gear! I need to clean my house and organize it. Babies room is done for now and ready to go thanks to my mom coming over and helping me on Sunday. I also need to pack my bag before its too late. I cant imagine having to tell my husband over the phone what I want him to bring to me. "whats soap?"  Bad enough I might have to send him on a grocery trip durring that first week home. "i got milk and cereal but I never knew they had other stuff too!".
I kid I kid. Matt would be just fine... I might not be though.  lol

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