Thursday, March 31, 2011

23 weeks!

I have heartburn that is curable with tums. No complaining there. My belly doesnt seem to grow but the scale seems to keep going up. The child kicks once in a while but it seems to flop a lot. I get some pokes and jabs but its usually a good thud. It really doesnt usually feel to good either.
We had a heart ultrasound last week just because it was recomended or required because we did IVF. We werent worried since our other ultrasound looked fine. And of course, baby bard is just fine! The lady even let us play with the baby and get some 3d pics. She proceded to find out the gender because she anted to know yet we still have no clue. I dont even have a guess, nor do I have a preferance.
Everything is just boring right now. Im still working, more now than before. Im not allowed to buy anything else till after my shower. Im about to start painting the room soon.
This is too easy right now.

1 comment:

JoyceTheMom said...

soooo - do the rest of us get to see the pictures too????