Friday, November 4, 2011

3 months old!

At 3 months he should have mastered;
Recognizes your face and scent: He can recognize me of course and most likely Matt. He seems to also recognize the people he sees on a regular basis. Scent, I dont know.
Hold head steady: oh yes, he has that down easily.
Visually tracks moving objects: Yup! Started about 2 weeks ago and he will fallow people walking around the room.

Things he may be able to do;
Squeal, gurgle, and coo: he most certainly can make lots of noises. He enjoyed listening to his own voice in an empty house where he heard his echo.
Blows bubbles: that he does. I love when he blows bubbles as hes farting...
Recognizes your voice: he seems to know me and matt well. And he turns toward me when I talk.
Does mini-pushups: eh, sort of but not very well.

things he might be able to do;
roll over from tummy to back: nope
turn toward loud sounds: yes he does
can bring hands together: he can. He holds he hands together a lot.
bats at toys: yes. He tries so hard to maneuver things the way he wants but it doesn't usually work. He bats at things here and there.

This child is amazing and he is growing in leaps and bounds every day. You can see the learning in his eyes and how hard he tries to do things. He gets frustrated now when things dont go as planned.

Out for a walk

tummy time

Smiling with his boy Simon

 more tummy time

Naked time

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