Monday, November 28, 2011

Logans first Christmas tree

This is no easy Christmas for us. We are packing up our house and hoping (still waiting on the final word from the underwriter) to be moving next week. It is not hard to move with a baby of Logans age at all. I have been cleaning in the morning while hes awake and packing during his nap. I have been working on the basement while Matt is home and I have a full trash can every friday morning. We want to move into our house right away so we can go about painting ours while we dont live here and the boy isnt breathing it all in. So, we bought a tree. A real tree. Why no? Because its Christmas time! We also have a kitten to deal with. So, we bought a reasonably smaller tree than we could get and are going to put just a few ornaments on. We will transport the tree to the new house. Might sound dumb but we wanted to make things harder on ourselves I guess. Im not going to break out the real decorations but having a tree will be nice.  How did Logan do on his first tree getting experience?

He slept through the whole thing.

Except the end. He woke up as we were leaving.

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