Wednesday, July 13, 2011

no sleep round 2

Contractions started at about 7pm. They came and were 2-3 mins apart consistantly. Ate dinner and went for a walk. The walk got too much so I sat around and still had them. But they didnt hurt and they didnt reach my back or make me feel any pressure. So to bed we went. Didnt sleep. They would hurt too much. Started getting into my back. Got up and walked around the house. Nothing. Layed back down and they would hurt. Sat in chair. Layed back down and they would hurt. Took a tylenol at 4am for my headache and fell asleep for 3 hours. Woke up. Nothing. Slept for 2 more hours but got up to pee inbetween. I am so exausted with such a headache from no sleep. I didnt want to go to the hospital on no sleep but they never got worthy of a trip. While they were consistantly non stop, they never hurt enough or got to my back to make me want to go. Now im eating breakfast and going to try and sleep again. Im afraid if I did actually go into labor right now, I would have no energy. Matts not sleeping either. And the cats insist on sleeping on me. Olly got on me a few times last night and doesnt like to leave my side. He has fallowed me around the house for 3 days now. And i woke up screaming last night which got matt to shoot up in bed. I had a kitten scratch my back. /sigh.

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